Notes on Presentation

The following information should be kept in mind when reading the text of this book:

1.     This book is presented as a descending genealogy or family history using a form of the NGSQ System (also known as the Modified Register System or Record system which was developed by the National Genealogical Society) to cover the special features of our family.

2.     The Identifying number is the arabic number to the left of the name of each person. It uniquely identifies that individual. No one else is assigned the same number.

3.     The Generation number appears as a G plus a number in superscript immediately after the full given name of an individual, example: Johann EberdtG1 Glied. Since the Gliedt and Poeppelmeier families have inter-married twice, the surname Gliedt or Poeppelmeier will appear in parenthesis immediately followed by a G plus a number in superscript indicating the generation number of the dual family line, example: Sophia Louise JohanneG7 Gliedt (PoeppelmeierG4 ). This means that Sophia is the seventh generation of the Gliedt family and the fourth generation of the Poeppelmeier family.

4.     A Parenthetical outline of ancestry follows an individual name when that individual is originally introduced in his or her own section and cites only the direct line within the family, example: WILHELMINE JUSTINEG3 POEPPELMEIER (BernhardG1 ) (GliedG6 : Eberdt,G1 Jobst,G2 Albert Henrich,G3 Albert HenrichG4 ), the fourth child of the Erbpächter, Hermann HenrichG2 and Anne Catharine IlsabeinG5 Poeppelmeier nee Glied.

5.     Birth-order number is designated by small roman numerals and are placed between the individual's arabic identification number and the person's name, for example:




6.     Chapter One begins with the first identified Glied, Johann Eberdt, and then proceeds forward in time to 1992.

7.     Our direct line is from the first son of Johann Eberdt Glied and the direct line stories are presented in Chapters Two through Seventeen. Chapters Two through Seventeen are subtitled as PART ONE, since they cover the direct line and are from the first son of Johann Eberdt Glied.

8.     The co-lateral Glied lines from the second and third sons of Johann Eberdt Glied are presented in Chapters Eighteen and Nineteen. Chapter Eighteen is subtitled PART TWO, since they descend from the second son of Johann Eberdt Glied and Chapter Nineteen is subtitled PART THREE, since they descend from the third son of Johann Eberdt Glied.

9.     Chapter Twenty begins with the first identified Poeppelmeier, Johann Bernhard Henrich, and then proceeds forward in time to 1992.

10.     Our direct line is from the third child of Johann Bernhard Henrich Poeppelmeier and the direct line stories are presented in Chapters Twenty-one through Twenty-five.

11.     The following information is provided for each person: name; date and location of birth, marriage, death; and occupation.

12.     The following abbreviations or notations have been used:

Endnotes: Check the end of the book for the corresponding superscript number for the reference citation.

Underline: When the entire name is underlined this denotes the direct line. When only one given name is underlined in the full name, this denotes the name the person is most commonly known as.

Boldface: Used to highlight each individual's name and spouse's name.

*born: Denotes an illegitimate birth.

* : An asterisk following the name of a wife signifies that her lineage is given in the section of the book devoted to her family, where she will be found as a child with an asterisk to the left of her name. See the corresponding arabic identification number.

+ : A plus sign proceeding a number of a child signifies that more information will be found in that section of the book where the child will be found as an adult with their own family.

nee : Denotes a woman's maiden name. For example, Hanne Friederike Gliedt nee Poeppelmeier means that Hanne Friederike was born Poeppelmeier, while Gliedt is her married name.

ca. : Circa.

13.     The surname is generally presented in the German form. To aid in the reading of the names, use the following guide:

ä- the umlauted vowel a is written in English as ae.

ö- the umlauted vowel o is written in English as oe.

ü- the umlauted vowel u is written in English as ue.

14.     The recorder of the parish records commonly used abbreviated forms of given names. In the text of the book I have taken the liberty of spelling out the given names to the most common form used in that particular area while listing variant form of the name in the endnotes. For example:

An.- Anne or Anna while the "e" ending was the most common form found in the records.

Ils.- Ilsabein, Ilsebein, or Ilsabe. while the first one was the most common.

Mar.- Marie or Maria while the "e" ending was the most common form found in the records.

Marg.- Margarethe, Margaretha, Margrethe or Margrete.

Cat.- Catharine or Catarine.

Henr.- Henrich or Heinrich.

Herm.- Hermann or Herrmann.

Joh.- Johann for male person or Johanne/Johanna for female person.

Bern.- Bernhard or Bernard.

Fried./ Fr.- Friedrich or Friederich for male person or Friederike for female person.

15.     The dates are written in the form recommended by the National Genealogical Society which is the day, the first three letters of the month, followed by the year. Example: 1 Jan 1993.

16.     Glossary of German terms used in the text of the text of the book. Usually when a German term is used for the first time in a section, the German term is followed by the definition in parenthesis.

Ackersmann: Farmer.

Alterschwäche: Debility of old age.

Auszehrung: (lung) Consumption; tuberculosis.

Bahnbeamter: Railroad official.

Bauer: Farmer on a full-sized farm (owned or as a tenant); peasant.

Bauerschaft: Farm community; (farm) township.

Bräune: Diphtheria.

Brustfieber: Pneumonia.

Cigarmächer: Cigar maker.

Colon/Kolon: Farmer (on a full-sized farm).

Colona: (female) farmer (on a full-sized farm); farmer's wife.

Einlieger: Free agricultural laborer.

Erbpächter: Hereditary tenant.

Evangelisch: Evangelical.

Frau (fr.): woman; wife; Mrs.

Frieseln: Scarlet fever.

Gemeinde: Community; (church) parish.

Glaser: Glass maker.

Grafschaft: County.

Hauswirth: (hss.)-house owner; landlord.

Heürling: (hrl. or hl.)-lowest level of peasants; tenant farmer; sharecropper.

Hof: Estate; manor; farm; homestead. Generally used in referring to the umber of the farm in a bauerschaft.

Hufschmied: Blacksmith.

Kindbett: Childbirth.

Kirchhof: Churchyard; cemetery.

Kirchspiel: Church parish.

König: King.

Kötter: Cottager (with small house, garden, a little land for cattle or animals.

Krampf: Spasms.

Kränke: Gout.

Krebs: Cancer.

Leibpächter: Life tenancy.

Magenkrebs: Stomach cancer.

Maler: Artist.

Musketier: Musketeer.

Nervenfieber: Typhus.

Neubauer: Commonly of Heürling origins who had recently purchased a small plot of land and was usually deeply in debt.

Pocken: Smallpox.

Pumpenmacher: Pump maker.

Refori(e)rt: Reformed.

Röteln Measles.

Ruhr: Dysentery.

Scharlachfieber: Scarlet fever.

Schlaganfall: Stroke.

Schleimfieber: Typhus.

Schmied: Balcksmith.

Schwäche: Weakness.

Schwindsucht: Consumption.

Spinner: (male) spinner.

Stille: Quietly (e.g. a funeral without tolling of bells).

Tischler: Cabinetmaker; furniture maker.

Tischermeister: Masterjoiner; master furniture maker.

Weber: Weaver.

Wochenbett: Childbed fever.

Zimmermeister: Master carpenter.